Machine Dreams is a series of events that explores the role of technology in the realization of a post-capitalist future. It begins this exploration from the premise that any emancipatory project aiming at a larger scope than the commune has to be mediated somehow technologically, as a strict rejection of abstraction and computation will bind any progressive movement within the local. Far from perishing in technological solutionism, these mediations constitute a necessity and should never be mistaken with a sufficiency: political struggle has to operate around and through them. This series is dedicated to their identification and critical examination, the disclosure of concrete utopias, from cybernetic socialism to crypto-mutualism, that allow us to reclaim a positive image of the future.

Organised by Max Grünberg.

#1 | Cryptoeconomics and the Decolonization of Money
Tuesday, 26 October 2021, 19.30 Uhr, diffrakt | centre for theoretical periphery

Conversation with
Jonathan Beller | Max Grünberg

#2 | Cybernetic Socialism and Its Discontents
Wednesday, 10 November 2021, 19.30 Uhr, diffrakt | centre for theoretical periphery

Conversation with
Aaron Benanav | Philipp Dapprich | Max Grünberg

#3 | Crypto-Mutualism
Thursday, 9 December 2021, 7.30 pm, diffrakt | centre for theoretical periphery

Conversation with
Kei Kreutler | Billy Rennekamp

With the support of