Underpublishing | Theory &/= Practice

Dienstag, 14. Juni 2022, 19.30 Uhr, diffrakt | zentrum für theoretische peripherie

Gespräch mit
Edna Bonhomme | Sara Morais dos Santos Bruss | Tyrone S. Palmer

Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt.

Publish or perish, they said. But what, and where? The good stuff, of course, and everywhere! Underground publishing and collective structures to support it are nothing new. However, amid growing institutional desires for formalised (but inevitably also contingent and market-driven) control, old tools are repurposed and new ones invented.

Sara Morais dos Santos Bruss will be in conversation with the historian of science Edna Bonhomme and the critical theorist Tyrone S. Palmer. Edna regularly issues Mobile Fragments, a Black feminist newsletter that explores history, science, and culture, previously convened the Decolonization in Action podcast, and has published across a wide spectrum of outlets including Aljazeera, The Guardian, and the London Review of Books. Tyrone is a co-founder of the publishing collective True Leap Press, and an editor of its open-access journal Propter Nos. Together, they will discuss ways out of academic solipsism and into futures of writing.

Pandemic: The event will be held in accordance with current COVID-19 regulations. The room is equipped with air filtration devices, but given the persistent viral situation, we would also like to ask you, if possible, to test yourselves with a rapid test ahead of the event.