Sunbeams and the Ultra-Science

Samstag, 28. September 2024, 17.30 bis 22.00 Uhr, diffrakt | zentrum für theoretische peripherie

Workshop mit
D’Andrade | Abigail Campos Leal

– Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt. –

Workshop conversation, lecture performance and installation with
D’Andrade | Abigail de Campos

Sunbeams and the Ultra-Science is a site-specific installation that covers a diverse set of themes around science fiction, auto-fiction, and speculative visions of the future. As a way of obtaining more concise answers about the relationship between dreams, technology and nature, the artist and writer D’Andrade presents a new installation work that dialogues with the performativities of knowledge and possible political landscapes for an ultra-capitalist world. The installation is the subject of an environment for an immersive experience in which sharing of knowledge and stories is routed through sound and food. It hosts a musical dinner and poetry reading as performative methods of inoculating dreams within these embodied experiences.

Focusing on migration and its tentacularly expanding economic forms, the site-specific work starts from the premise that a world in constant information traffic, the artificialization of natural resources and the virtualization of human exchanges create a new form of dreamlike perception of reality. Dreaming has become both an economic and a political tool in a world where neurocognitive technologies amplify the human-machine tension.

Taking on the aspect of dreaming, D’Andrade and the philosopher and writer Abigail Campos Leal invite participants to contribute to Onirofagia as a concept that informs their lecture-performance within the installation. Onirofagia evokes knowledge production through food talks, soundscape, relational art, activism and self-learning practices based on the orientation of natural phenomena. The following questions are raised for the occasion: How do we actually perceive atmosphere, wavelength, sound, light and darkness? Is it possible to create a form of learning that dialogues directly with the non-human world?

Participation in this event is limited. To register please send a brief message to

5.30 pm
opening of the installation

6 pm
introduction and sound performance by D’Andrade

7 pm
conversation with D’Andrade and Abigail de Campos

8.30 pm
dinner Onirofagia

10 pm

The project is supported by Berliner Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung.