Many Books, Many Hands, Many Voices

Saturday, 22 March 2025, 7 pm, ACRE Studios (Skalitzer Straße 54b, 10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg)

A Communal Practice of Reading and Rewriting

The project space ACRE and diffrakt with its reading groups invite you to an evening of collective reading, annotating, and text-sharing. Taking inspiration from the exhibition (un)critical proximity (the pleasure of the text), we will explore the book as a communal space – one that is shaped by many hands, many voices, and many interventions. How do we inhabit texts together? How do we leave traces, transform margins into conversations, and make reading an open, participatory practice?

Bring a book – one you love, one you despise, or let chance choose one for you on-site. We will photocopy excerpts, annotate them together, and explore how texts can be inhabited and heard together rather than merely read. The Xerox machine becomes a tool of reimagination. No registration is required, but a heads-up is appreciated via ( Join us in unraveling the boundaries of the book and the pleasure of the text!