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a perfect storm is a compilation of ideas, combined in a partial and provisional way, emulating the political-atmospheric phenomena it engages. It starts from a seemingly unanswerable question: “What can storms in Brazil tell us about climate changes elsewhere?” In a country once defined as the “Land of the Future” – a land where the future is a promise always about to arrive –, a unique constellation of political and ecological factors, some of which have in the meantime become crises, have fed on each other, converging in a particularly violent storm.
With contributions from thinkers and artists from a variety of different backgrounds, a perfect storm is, for the time being, assembled in three phases – reflections on the ecological crises and the plurality of worlds they bring forward, on extractivism as an interweaving of local and global phenomena, and on the material-semiotic effects of the nation-state as a powerful fiction.
phase 1
one or several worlds?
Danilo Amaral | Denilson Baniwa | Frederico Benevides | Lucas Coelho | Alyne Costa | Déborah Danowski | Rondinelly Gomes Medeiros | Flavia Medeiros | Sallisa Rosa | Luiz Rufino | Luiz Antonio Simas
phase 2
the mineral disaster
Camila de Caux | Olívia Maria Gomes da Cunha | Ailton Krenak | Flavia Regaldo | Roberta Tavares | Luana Vitra
phase 3
where is Brazil?
Danilo Amaral | Aline Baiana | Frederico Benevides | Stephanie Borges | Gustavo Caboco | Roseane Cadete | Marina Camargo | Pedro Duarte | Kênia Freitas | Rondinelly Medeiros | Rodrigo Nunes | Juliana Streva | Eduardo Viveiros de Castro
Camila de Caux | Moritz Gansen | Eric Macedo
Gabriel Carvalho | Camila de Caux | Eric Macedo
Fatin Abbas
Caroline Adler | Hannah Wallenfels
visual design
Estúdio Guayabo
(Valquíria Rabelo + Daniel Bilac)
web development
Mr. Wolf
with generous support from
Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa, Spartenoffene Förderung