in theory

How does someone end up devoting a significant portion of their life to reading, thinking, and writing – instead of or in addition to all the other possible pursuits? And how do they manage to get away with that?

Theoretical production is constantly and invariably traversed by the complex entanglements of our (as well as others’) lives and can never be entirely dissociated from a realm of the allegedly non-theoretical; intellectual itineraries are strewn with contingencies, and conceptual necessity is an effect that may require, if desired, a lot of hard work.

The series in theory hence invites anecdotes of failure and success, of confidence and doubt, of chance encounters and the manifold ways in which they shape the practices of our thinking, hence opening up a space for conversations around our auto-fictions, meanderings, short-cuts, and dead ends that promptly disprove the supposed linearity of the ideal cv.

#1 | Alex Taek-Gwang Lee 14 March 2018, 7.30 pm

#2 | Geoffroy de Lagasnerie 20 September 2019, 7.30 pm

#3 | McKenzie Wark 4 June 2022, 7.30 pm

#4 | Lewis R. Gordon 9 July 2022, 7.30 pm

#5 | Oxana Timofeeva 22 October 2022, 7.30 pm

#6 | Hourya Bentouhami [postponed]

#7 | Louis Chude-Sokei 14 June 2023, 7.30 pm

#8 | David Scott 26 July 2023, 7.30 pm

#9 | Rizvana Bradley 30 May 2024, 7.30 pm