Mittwoch, 26. März 2024, 19.30 Uhr, diffrakt | zentrum für theoretische peripherie
Gespräch mit
Baruch Gottlieb | Ewa Majewska | Patricia Reed
– Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt. –
What do we mean when we speak of a “post-human” condition? Over the past several decades, the figure of “human being” and the related ideas of humanity and humanism have deservedly come under scrutiny. Emerging with colonialism, Enlightenment Humanism rationalised all manners of inhumanity: slavery, patriarchy, capitalism, and the technologised extraction from and subordination of women and nature.
In this conversation, Baruch Gottlieb (Most-Human Condition. A Treatise on Eco-Communism), the philosopher Ewa Majewska (Feminist Antifascism. Counterpublics of the Common) and the artist and writer Patricia Reed (Xenofeminist Manifesto, as part of Laboria Cuboniks) will address to what degree “human being” and “communism” are still helpful in supporting eco-feminist, anti-fascist, international and intersectional organization and action.